Ignite your creativity and transform every tabletop gaming session into an epic adventure
Unleash the power of storytelling with prompts, exercises, and world-building tools for GMs and players. Escape the mundane, embrace the unexpected, and forge memories that last a lifetime.
Does your campaign prep feel like it needs a creative boost?
- Do you ever feel stuck in a rut with your TTRPG campaigns?
- Are your sessions predictable, lacking that spark of magic?
- Do players struggle to connect with their characters or the world?
Tome is your guide towards your adding richer, more rewarding TTRPG experiences to your table.
- Creative prompts to break through creative blocks block and generate captivating ideas for your character or your campaign.
- Engaging exercises to develop characters, relationships, and worlds that resonate.
- World-building moments to add detail to settings that draw players in.
Imagine heading into your next session with new creative energy and inspiration.
- Players stepping into the shoes of their characters with newfound confidence.
- Twists and turns that leave everyone on the edge of their seats.
- Laughter, camaraderie, and shared moments of pure storytelling magic.
Don’t let your next TTRPG campaign be another forgettable roll, get your copies of Tome for Game Masters and Players today!
Tome for Game Masters

Tome for Players

What Tome Users are Saying
The prompts given in this book offer players a chance to think creatively about their characters, the campaign and world they play in, and the directions they might like to see the game develop. Most prompts apply to all genres and styles of RPG, and are just as suited for new players as they are for seasoned tabletop gamers. Some activities are repeated in different weeks, which I feel encourages GMs and players to ensure that the campaign and the characters keep evolving over time. My only player at the moment has never roleplayed before, but having prompts to think about allows them to engage more with their character, so I’ll be using Tome for Players to help them get their feet wet – and I’m sure it will continue to be a useful tool as the game progresses!
Verified DriveThruRPG Customer
About Tome
This tool has been crafted to aid you as you progress through your current campaign, helping to keep creativity and fun front of mind while assisting you in building new experiences for your players.
Each week, flip open to the next entry in the book (or to whichever you’d like to explore), consider the prompts presented, and record your answers. They are aimed at ‘priming the pump’ of your creativity, and getting you into the right headspace for a weekly session, and occasionally helping to come up with something entirely new.
Finally, each week includes a recap page to record the highlights of what happened during that week’s session, a spot to think about goals for the next session, as well as a fun activity aimed to entertain and help generate new ideas.
Let’s get started!
Tome is completely system agnostic, so whether you’re leading or playing, you can use Tome to add a shot of creativity to every session.
In Tome for Players, you’ll get prompts that help you explore your own character in new ways, think about how your character relates to their party members, about the story of the campaign as it stands, and about your own role as a player and what you want to get out of playing the game.
In Tome for Game Masters, the questions instead focus on thinking critically about the characters within the game you’re running, the NPCs that you’ve populated the world around the party with, the exciting details of the world itself, and your role as a game master and the things you’d like to experience.
While some prompts that felt particularly timeless in Volume 1 made the cut for Volume 2, I worked hard to ensure that Volume 2 felt like a continuation and an expansion. You’ll find new prompts and activities that help continue the journey of creative thinking.
Nope! You can pick up either volume and have a satisfying, creative, independent experience.
Tome for Game Masters

Tome for Players